a) there was no evidence to support it
Wegener noticed while looking at the maps that some parts of the continents, especially South America and Africa, seem to match up perfectly. This led him to think that maybe the continents in the past were actually connected, but because of some force they moved apart. He went out public with his hypothesis, but it was largely rejected, and he was laughed at and ridiculed, as the scientists thought that there's no force that can move the continents. Wegener didn't stop there, and he continued to look for clues, and finally managed to find some clues at the topography of the Atlantic Ocean. He noticed that the mid-ocean ridge is the highest, but as you move away from it, the sea mounds are becoming flatter and lower, thus a sign of erosion, and he actually turned out to be right.
Well, most transportation methods cause carbon dioxide to go into our atmosphere. Using hairspray is also another way. Because of the high levels of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere, global warming has risen (if that’s a word :D). Due to global warming ice in Antartica is melting and the Polar bears are in danger (sadly). Now I can’t tell you anymore about this topic because I don’t know anything about it (I haven’t learned anything else yet) I hope this helped, and if you knew this information I’m really sorry....Have a great day!
La revolución industrial de Alemania se produjo en el siglo XIX, luego del proceso de industrialización que ya venía desarrollando Inglaterra. Esta última facilitó la revolución que Alemania viviría ya que invirtió capitales, maquinaria y debió abastecerse de mano de obra especializada, y se radicó con más fuerzas ya que las regiones de Alemania contaban con variados recursos naturales. Este acontecimiento trajo consecuencias políticas y por supuesto económicas, las que influyeron de forma importante en todos los aspectos.
Espero que ayude
A.because it experiences different temperatures since it is near a large body of water