If your answer choices are,
A. The new territories reduced the North's dependency on the South for cotton and other raw materials.
B. The North wanted the new territories to be free states, while the South wanted them to be slave states.
C. The South was against the expansion of the United States territory beyond the Rio Grande.
D. The cost of gaining new territories in war harmed the South because its smaller economy couldn’t afford it.
Than your answer is B. The North wanted the new territories to be free states, while the South wanted them to be slave states.
Operation Desert Storm was the first major foreign crisis for the United States after the end of the Cold War. On Aug. 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein led a well-equipped Iraqi army into Kuwait, a major supplier of oil to the United States.
Based from the diary entry, it would seem as though the Germans were ready for the Americans to attack. They put mines and obstacles in the sea and on land to deter the approaching army. They used a German 88mm gun-- a long-range anti-air craft, anti-tank, anti-personnel gun most feared by the Allies-- to gun down American soldiers.
Despite these diffulties, the American soldiers drew inspiration and strength to continue fighting under the leadership of Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the highest-ranking officer on the beach during D-day
The Schlieffen Plan was created by General Count Alfred von Schlieffen in December 1905. The Schlieffen Plan was the operational plan for a designated attack on France once Russia, in response to international tension, had started to mobilise her forces near the German border
Answer: A television station airs a speech by a candidate for an elected position.
(Television is a type of media, I hope this helps) :)