I need to find two words I'll let you know soon
B/ ibamos, A doesn’t make sense because iremos means we’ll go which concludes we won’t we’ll go to Costa Rica doesn’t make sense so that makes a wrong
6 and 5 are eh don’t know if those seem correct..
1. Ojalá que se mejore pronto.
2. Espero que podamos ir a nadar mañana.
3. Me sorprende que venga temprano.
4. Temo que el río esté contaminado.
5. Es ridículo que el gobierno controle cuándo nos bañamos.
6. Es triste que la gente cuide las playas.
1. I hope it gets better, soon.
2. I hope we can go swimming tomorrow.
3. I'm surprised that he comes early.
4. I'm afraid that the river is contaminated.
5. It's ridiculous that the government controls when we go to bathe.
6. It's sad that people take care of the beaches.