Racial Segregation in public schools violated the fourteenth amendment
Auguste Comte was a 19th century French philosopher and sociologist. During his life, Comte contributed several important ideas to philosophy: the three stages to society, praxeology and positivism. Positivism is still very influential today.
Hold on our severs are swamped
The economic system that consists of private owners controlling production is Capitalism. Capitalistic ownership dwell on four factors: <em>entrepreneurship</em>, <em>capital goods</em> (man-made items use to produce services), <em>natural resources</em> (materials from the Earth that people use to their needs) and <em>labor</em> (physical, mental and social effort used to produce goods in an economy).
The wall came down partly because of a bureaucratic accident but it fell amid a wave of revolutions that left the Soviet-led communist bloc teetering on the brink of collapse and helped define a new world order