During the Middle Ages, almost all philosophers used to write in Latin- the language of educated and elite class while as Dante wrote his best poem Divine Comedy in vernacular, Italian language-the language of common people.
Dante's decision to write in Italian had a long lasting impact on Italian language. It paved the way for Italian to emerge as a language respect across the European landscape. There were more innovations in this language and more and more people began to write in Italian and ultimately Italian became a cultured and literary language. It is due to the impact of his writing in Italian, he is being called father of modern Italian language.
1:Investments in physical and human capital both lead to fundamental improvements in the business model and better overall decision-making. Understanding Human Capital vs. Physical Capital Physical Capital Physical capital consists of man-made goods that assist in the production process.
2: Literacy rate has a vast effect on the standard of living of the people of a country. An illiterate person cannot get a good job and therefore will not enough money because the jobs with high salary packages are reserved for that population of the country which has a high literacy rate.
3: import means to bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale so that would be the answer
4: an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
5: creating businesses that give people jobs.
hope this helped a little bit (i havent slept in a few days so forgive me if i didnt get all of the correct)
please don't waste your points give the correct answer....
MCQs question...
1 :. from which word cuneiform is derived ??
1. :. Latin. 2:. Greek. 3:. Chinese. 4. Mayan ....
2:. which language replaced the sumerian language after 2400 BCE. ??
1 : Mesopotamia language. 2:. 1 Akkadian. language. 3:. Chinese language 4:. Middle eastern language..
3. which which person the first event of Sumerian trade is associated. ??
1. :. the ancient ruler of uruk city ,. Enmerkar.
2. the ancient ruler of Lebanon City ,. Enmerkar ..
3. the ancient ruler of Nile City , Enmerkar .
4. The ancient city of Aral city. , Enmerkar.
A service is something a person will do for another person in their own will. A good could be anything great.. not just a service for example smiling at someone who had a bad day could be a good but a service would be giving someone something without being told to do so