from the best (lowest score) to worst (highest score)
Garcia, Woods, Ells, Kelly
All of the following developments in Germany during the 1930s (the construction of fortifications along the Rhine River, the annexation of Austria, and the resumption of the military draft to create a large army) were violations of the Treaty of Versailles, except D) the return of the Saarland to German control.
Disequilibrium occurs in the stock market when the market price of any given stock is not at equilibrium. It often occurs when supply exceeds demand. In simple English, the company who issued the stock (or shares) has issued more shares that what stock brokers want to buy. So the price of per share will drop. Another example of disequilibrium occurs in the Currency market. The price of the US Dollar, as opposed to the Japanese Yen, is seen to be in equilibrium when there is equal supply and demand of each currency. Disequilibrium occurs when the one currency is in less demand than the other currency. This results in the price of one currency dropping lower than the price of the other currency
On April 24,1915, the Ottoman government arrests some 235 to 270 Armenian intellectuals and cultural leaders in Constantinople,deports them to a prison in the interior, where many of them were tortured and killed. This day is often referred to as the "Red Sunday". The arrested Armenian intellectuals and cultural leaders were deported to holding centers near Ankara. Overall the total estimated Armenians arrested were nearly 2345. The Tehcir Law passed on 29th of May in the year 1915 the people that were detained were allowed to be relocated within the Ottoman Empire.