These words are part of Montesquieu's treatise The Spirit of the Laws. More specifically, they belong to the Chapter 6 ("Of the Constitution of Engand") of this treatise.
In this text, Montesquieu defends political liberty. Moreover, he argues that the best way of achieving it is by establishing the separation of the powers. In that way, Montesquieu believes that the different functions of government, that is to say the executive, legislative, and judicial functions, should be assigned to different bodies. Furthermore, he argues that liberty cannot be established in a nation where there is no separation of powers.
They wrote a new constitution.
The amendment becomes part of the Constitution when it has been ratified by three-fourths (currently 38) of the states. This process has been used for ratification of every amendment to the Constitution thus far. Article V also provides for an alternative process, which has never been utilized.
For this question the answer will be D.