thanks for teh points LOL
Battle of Midway, because we destroyed most of the Japanese Navy, sinking four of their aircraft carriers along with lots of other ships. Japan would never recover from this, allowing the US to mostly dominate the Pacific with our Navy.
Jonh Locke believed there were moral laws at work in the universe, like others laws that were ruling nature, this moral law ruled human behavior towards a natural morality, which human would be "acting in conformity with reason".
He called this moral order Natural Law.
The Christians believed that Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after he died and that is why we celebrate Easter.
I am going to presume after the ww2 bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki you mean. in that case the Japanese had to become allies and japan was changed to a democratic state under the power of their allies. popular culture dominated although traditional arts continued.