Buenas tardes?
Como estas tú?
Calor means hot in spanish which is the naswer
The answers are:
- El periodico
- natación
- la alberca
- el gimnasio
- la calle
- el restaurante
- el partido
- el cine
As you can see, all of the answers above except "natación" have the definite article "The", which in English expresses <em>el, los, la, las</em> but in Spanish no, we need to specify, so, remember that <em>la, las </em>is for feminine nouns, singular and plural, respectively. And <em>el, los</em> is used for masculine nouns, again, singular and plural. In this case, we have no plural nouns, remember that you can spot that by having and "s" at the end, or not.