This area is located on a convergent plate boundary where oceanic crust collides with continental crust. Because the oceanic crust is more dense, it sinks into the ground and heats up. It thus becomes a volcano as it rises back to the surface. This process is known as subduction.
Cuando la tasa de natalidad supera con creces la tasa de mortalidad, la población se dispara. Duplicar el tiempo es la cantidad de tiempo que tarda una cantidad en duplicarse y se utiliza en demografía para proyectar cambios futuros en el tamaño de la población.
The answer should be D. Hope that helps?
No, writing "are a" in a sentence is not correct because ''are '' is used for plural objects or things such these are boys, footballs are big etc while n the other hand, ''a'' is used for singular objects such as a ball, a boy etc so these two words which are used in separate sentences not in a single sentence with each other. so we can say that we can't write "are a" in a single sentence.