The Pharisees' legalistic approach led them to creating an ever-more complex system of rules, and their extra-dutiful observance of law focused on external obedience to rules more than internal attitudes of the heart.
Jewish rabbinical tradition counted 613 commands stipulated in the Law given to Israel by Moses. For the Pharisees (meaning "those who are set apart"), that wasn't enough. They sought to set themselves apart from the common man by the way they applied the Law to every detail of their lives, making their own specific rules for specific situations. So as new situations arose, new religious rules were imposed. The Pharisees' body of law was something like the US tax code in that way! They gave particular focus to all the ways that one should obey the rule of resting on the Sabbath.
In the process, the Pharisees also paid primary attention to outward adherence to rules. The spirit of the Law as originally given was aimed at conforming persons' hearts to the ways of God. But following the laws of the Pharisees became more focused on maintaining outward consistency with the rituals and regulations they had established. In regard to the Sabbath, the original intent was so that people would stop other activities in order to give full attention to God and his Word. For the Pharisees, the focus of the Sabbath became more about regulating how much activity was considered allowable or not in different situations.
The natural disaster is EARTHQUAKE.
On the 8th of October, 2005, the Kashmir region of India and some sections of Pakistan and Afghanistan was hit by an earthquake. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.6. The earthquake caused a lot of damages and a huge number of people lost their lives during the event, many more become homeless.
The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Its religious aspects were supplemented by ambitious political rulers who wanted to extend their power and control at the expense of the Church.
The website is the secondary, good and can be biased source of information.
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Although government websites are reliable, watch out for sites that are trying to trick you by using these suffixes. Websites run by nonprofit organizations may also include trustworthy information, but you should take some time to analyze these factors to see if they might be biased.
Do websites serve as the primary source of information?
If a website synthesizes, analyses, and processes data from primary sources, it qualifies as a secondary source. A secondary source website may contain published blog entries, review articles, bibliographies, reference volumes, indexes, journals, commentaries, and treatises as well as other types of information.
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Recolonization of slaves and complete abolition of slavery.
Three groups emerged in the 1830's-1840's each with a differing view of how to end or contain slavery. The most conservative approach was the recolonization approach. The American Colonization Society created the colony of Liberia with the intent of freeing slaves and sending them back to Africa. The most liberal approach came from the Liberty Party who advocated for the complete end of slavery based on moral grounds. The Liberty Party wanted slavery to end immediately with blacks receiving citizenship rights.
The moderate approach to slavery that emerged at the time didn't directly end slavery but hoped to contain the institution. Free-soilers emerge after the Mexican-American War and believed that the new land gained should be free from slavery. By containing slavery to the South, the system would eventually snuff itself out without extra land available to expand the system.