Hello there.
Of the following words, the noun is absurd. Absurd's meaning in noun form is 'the condition of existing in a meaningless world'.
"We had passed through long walls of piled skeletons, with casks and puncheons intermingling, into the inmost recesses of the catacombs."
""We are below the river's bed. The drops of moisture trickle among the bones."
Hi, the correct answer would be D - satiate. All of the remaining examples are derived from Latin root (im)plere: "comply" from "complere" (fill up, fulfill), "implement" from "implere (fill up), "replete" from "re" + "plere" (fill). Only "satiate" derives from "satis", meaning "enough".
When writing a claim you need to take a stance on a particular issue. In this case the issue is whether or not "standardized tests are the proper measuring sticks for student performance." This stance should be the first part of your claim. Then follow it up with "because..." and your three reasons.
For example, Standardized tests are a proper measuring stick for student performance because they can test a student's knowledge on a wide range of subjects, they are the same for everyone, and they are an accurate indicator of how well a student will do in their future studies especially for fields like medicine and law.
The Grieved Lands is poem of 42 lines with seven uneven stanzas. It is a free verse. The Grieved Lands presents the uniqueness of Black race and their resistance to slavery and colonial rule. It belongs to the group of poems which advance the unique beauty of the Black race and the dominant strength of being Black. The poet draws from the realistic nature of Negritude (a movement which celebrates and promotes the uniqueness and dominance of Black race to other races popularly propagated by Leopald Sedar Senghor).
In the poem, The Grieved Lands the poet presents African race as an imperishable race and African land as a land that can withstand anything; Lines 40 -41.
The first three stanzas talk about the degradation of Africa by slavery, imperialism, colonialism and Westernization. The poet uses these stanzas to decry the effects of Western influence on Africa. Line 2 “In the tearful woes of ancient and modern slave” In this line, the “ancient” refers to the physical slavery when men and women were forcefully moved out of the Land of Africa to different parts of the world. The “modern slave” refers to the present psychological and mental slavery in Africa and among Blacks, where Africans or Blacks depend on the West for aids and solutions. This is seen as the psychological acceptance of Western values, culture – dressing, lifestyle etc as the standard of measuring success and achievement.
Hope it Helps you
Have a beautiful day