5. climatic
Arranging things in a sequence, where each things precedes or succedes another is called ordering. Ordering can be done in several ways, depending on ordering criteria.
For example, we can arrange events chronologically, which means we arrange them based on the time period when they occured; from the most to the least recent event, or vice versa.
Spatial arrangement means that we list things based on their position in space; from right to left, or from top to bottom.
Logical order is when we place things in a manner that each one logically follows the previous.
However, in this example, we have climatic order, which means that things are arranged in an order from the least important to the most important, making the final thing on the list the most important, or strongest, or the best.
Bridget Bishop and Susannah Martin, they had both been previously accused of doing witchcraft.
There are so many different kinds and it is just so good.
Answer: Areas of defense in times of war
The except speaks of the potential of national unity in the United States being shattered as a result of a lack of a common enemy that the World Wars and Communism gave them.
The Fault lines in the excerpt refer to demarcations between opposing sides in the World Wars and in the Cold War that people then gathered behind to fight against their enemy. This made these lines become Areas of defense in essence that everyone came behind in solidarity to defeat their World War and Cold War enemies.
A groundling was a person who visited the globe theatre in the early 17th century. They were to poor to pay to be able to sit on one of the three levels of the theatre .