Answer: i dont know dude ask the teacher
Yes, if we want a better world for all species and humans we should definitely change the way we view and treat animals. How we treat of animals reflects the way we think about them. When we humans condone, allow, support and/or profit from the imprisonment, subjugation and mass murder of animals, we are evidently not thinking about nor treating animals very well. A very big part of the problem is that we think of us humans as completely different/more important than animals allowing humans to convince them/ourselves that it is ok to use animals as resources, as objects.
I hope this helps :D
so a subordinate clause is a clause, typically introduced by a conjunction, that forms part of and is dependent on a main clause so underline like any for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so then just add a comma whenever needed hope this helps :)
A. Uses the vocab word incorrectly. ‘Exploit’ means to take advantage of which does not make sense in the context of the sentence (the correct word for that sentence is probably ‘explosion’).
B. Is correct because ‘esteem’ means to hold respect for.
The first time most people fall for E.B. White – certainly the first time I did – they are 6 or 7 or 8. In 1952, “Charlotte’s Web” made him the New Yorker writer with the largest grade-school fan base.
I fell in love with “Charlotte’s Web” because, when White talked about grown-up mysteries like love and death, he was as honest as a punch to the jaw. Many years later, I fell in love with “Death of a Pig” because, covering the same subjects for adults, White was as straightforward as a pie to the face.
Here are the facts of the case: A gentleman farmer (and New Yorker staff writer) ventures out to his pig enclosure one September afternoon and discovers that the hog he has nurtured through spring and summer has lost its appetite, gone listless. An obstruction of the bowel is suspected. The farmer, his dachshund and a veterinarian preside over the pig’s decline, until it dies alone a few days later, sometime between supper and midnight. The pig receives a graveside autopsy and is buried under a wild apple tree. The farmer accepts his neighbor’s condolences (“the premature expiration of a pig is, I soon discovered, a departure which the community marks solemnly on its calendar, a sorrow in which it feels fully involved”) before taking up his pen and telling the story “in penitence and in grief, as a man who failed to raise his pig.”