As i chase the dog down the street, it feels like its getting father and father away. I feel the hard concrete beneath my feet. All i hear is the sound of the rain pattering against the ground. As i run as fast as my legs can, I slowly catch up to the dog. We ran past old houses. As the lightning struck, i jumped on the dog and bit it's neck. It died instantly. AS i slowly dragged the body out of the street, I felt very hungry. I bit and scratched at the dog until his body ripped open. i ate like i haven't eaten in days. I chewed on the bones and licked the blood as if it was water. I left the dog's carcass there and walked into the dark woods. Never looking back.
Freedom is to be able to connect with our responsibilities. By taking charge of things, we get to experience immense happiness and satisfaction. It gives us a chance to know how much of a workload we can handle at a time and how well we are able to manage. Freedom is the basis of reason. To be able to question everything before blindly accepting my fate. To question what is right and what is wrong without being afraid of any threats. Freedom to me is the only way for a caged bird to achieve happiness. I am free. Hope this helps!
it depends on the word
certain prefixes only fit with certain words as they can change the word entirely from what ur trying to say if used incorrectly :)
the answer is a predicate nominative