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The mountain ranges were natural barriers to invading forces and stopped people from coing into india.
2nd AmendmentRight to Bear Arms3rd AmendmentNo quartering of soldiers4th AmendmentProtection against illegal search and seizure5th AmendmentProtection against self-incrimination, double jeopardy. Protection of due process and right to a grand jury.6th AmendmentRight to speedy and public trial, impartial jury and right to counsel.7th AmendmentRight to a trial by jury in common-law cases.8th AmendmentProtection against cruel and unusual punishment. No excessive bail imposed.9th AmendmentThe enumeration of rights in the Constitution won't be used against the people.10th AmendmentReserved powers to the states.11th AmendmentStates are protected from being sued by citizens of another state.12th AmendmentSeparated balloting procedures for president and vice-president (put them as a team).13th AmendmentAbolition of slavery.14th AmendmentGranted former slaves citizenship and equal protection, established principle of selective incorporation.15th AmendmentAfrican-American men could vote.16th AmendmentEstablished federal income tax.17th AmendmentDirect election of U.S. Senators.18th AmendmentProhibition.19th AmendmentWomen have the right to vote.20th AmendmentPresident and vice-president's term of office begins on January 20th, and no longer in March.21st AmendmentRepeal of Prohibition22nd AmendmentPresidents limited to 2 terms.23rd AmendmentD.C. given presidential electors.24th AmendentPoll tax is illegal.25th AmendmentEstablished VP as successor if P is unable to serve. P can nominate a VP if there is a VP vacancy.26th Amendment18-year-olds have the right to vote.27th AmendmentCongressional pay raises will only take effect after the next election
Therefore, this shows why the 27 amendments matter but here you go
The Abbasid dynasty fell to the Mongols and became part of the Mongol empire
According to google translator apartheid is " (in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race" so after all the National Party in South Africa got the power, all White government suddenly start forcing policies of racial segregation in the worst system apartheid, moreover, the system was discrimination against the Black society that was existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1994 . According to Wiki the "economic legacy and generational effects of apartheid continue to this day."It was like master and slave way of living, in which the master gets the most benefits and the slave works hard to get a small amount of wage or money to survive in hardship.