<span>were mainly concerned with the creation of the League of Nations. Europen countries wanted a strong alliance but, the United States was opposed to the formation of the League of Nations fearing it could cause the US to be dragged into other wars on European soil.</span>
Sulla changed the government back to the Patrician or aristocratic rule. (or at least he tried to) He greatly reduced the power of the equestrians, who were most of the judges at the time and weeded out any senators with populist leanings. His use of the proscription helped to rid Rome of many of the Marist party, who he considered subversive.
Of course, John D. Rockefeller lost a little money during the Great Depression but he was still a billionaire. He had stock and other assets which lost value but he held on to them until they recovered their value.
<span>John D. Rockefeller is an interesting person. He could compartmentalize business and personal like a mobster. He was absolutely ruthless in business. He drove competitors out of business with unfair practices like demanding kick-backs from railroads. One competitor he put out of business was affiliated with one of his brothers. That brother never talked to John D ever again. John D's son was to take over his business, but when he saw the tactics regularly employed, he begged off. </span>
<span>But personally, John D was quite generous. He would carry around a roll of dimes and hand the coins to everyone he met. Also, the Rockefellers were quite frugal. One of John D's other brothers worked with him and he became rich but obviously not nearly as rich. That brother led a more opulent life style than John D and his family. The Rockefellers should say things like "We're not the Vanderbilts" when in fact the Rockefellers had much more money than the Vanderbilts or anyone else. </span>
<span>But all in all, due to his business practices, I would have to say that John D. Rockefeller was an odious character.</span>
The correct answer is:
A. They called for a conference to discuss forming a new international organization, the United Nations.
The Yalta Conference, at the end of World War II, is also known as the beginning of the Cold War. During the Conference, Roosevelt (United States), Churchill (England) and Stalin (Soviet Union) met and agreed on scheduling a meeting in San Francisco to create the United Nations, <em>they also agreed to demand Germany's surrender and to divide the territory into four territories that would belong to the three nations and France.</em> <em>Stalin would permit free elections in Eastern Europe </em>(a point which he violated and instead installed the Soviet Union through Eastern Europe). President Franklin Roosevelt died two months after the controversial Yalta Conference.