Nutrient-rich soil for farming
If you remember, a lot of Okies went to California during the Depression because they had "ruined" the land to the point they couldn't use it anymore
Adding relevent facts to a document-based essay can help make its points more precise.
A document is a record of information. For the document to be efficient, it is important that this information is true and proven, especially when this document will be used as a basis for an essay, where the author will need to justify the veracity of the information presented in the essay. The best way to do this is to make this information present in the essay very precisely, through relevant facts in relation to the theme of the essay and the veracity of the information.
Tienes que ser valiente y tener habilidades de liderazgo.
In common law legal systems, precedent is a principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding on or persuasive for a court or other tribunal when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.
If there's something like animals or inanimate objects talking, or magical things like flying carpets.