The characteristics of older workers' job performance as compared to their younger counterparts are:
- <u><em>Better problem-solving skills</em></u>.
- <u><em>Decreased motivation</em></u>.
<em>Worker performance</em><em>.</em>
Without a doubt, experience is a crucial factor in workers who have been in a profession or position for a longer time, so their <u>problem-solving skills</u> are far superior to that of new people who only have enthusiasm for their work.
On the other hand, it has been widely studied that the motivation for a job performed decreases as time passes, therefore it can be said, in general terms, that people with more time and experience in a job have less motivation to do it.
The other options are discarded since people, being older, have a greater possibility of getting sick and requesting days off, as well as, having less motivation for their work, they also acquire less satisfaction with the achievement.
More information:
Parles-tu espagnol? Non, je ne LE parle pas. (1 point)
12. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Va-t-il vous (Anne et Alice) téléphoner demain ? Oui, il va NOUS
téléphoner. (1 point)
13. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Choisit-il la chemise noire ? Oui, il LA choisit. (1 point)
14. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Tu m'aimes? Oui, je T' aime. (1 point)
15. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Tu veux venir avec nous au parc? Non, je ne peux pas venir avec VOUS. (1 point)
16. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Il écoute toujours la musique classique? Non, il ne L' écoute jamais. (1 point)
17. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Ils achètent les livres à la librairie ? Non, ils LES achètent au marché aux puces. (1 point)
18. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Nous as-tu invités à ton anniversaire ? Bien sûr, Je VOUS ai invités. (1 point)
19. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Coucou! Tu me vois? Oui, je TE vois. (1 point)
20. Fill-in the blank with the appropriate object pronoun: me, te, t', le, la, l', nous, vous, les.
Fait-il la vaisselle tous les soirs? Non, il LA fait le week-end. (1 point)
Hi !!
Which phrase correctly completes this sentence ?
Natalia = Pierre ------------------- hier.
<em>(Pierre ----------------- yesterday)</em>
Anne = Je suis vraiment désolée !
<em>(I'm really sorry !)</em>
Pierre s'est cassé le bras hier.
<em>(Pierre </em><em>broke his arm </em><em>yesterday.)</em>
A. B. D. are all negative sentences which implies everything was ok
A = didn't have an accident
B= was feeling better = se sentaiT mieux (written sentais instead of sentait)
C= broke his arm (yesterday) passé composé => CORRECT ANSWER
D= didn't hurt himself
hope this helps :)
J'aime le look gothique.
Je porte une robe noire parce que j'adore cette couleur.
J'aime aussi porter des gants et des bottes noires.
J'ai même les cheveux noir.
Ce look est pour moi une façon d'être différente des autres.