Yo vivo en Bogotá, Colombia. Mis tías de California van conmigo a la boda de Helen y Thomas en Bogota. Tienen que cerrar su oficina en California dos semanas antes de ir a Bogota.
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As far as we know, the first tomatoes to make it to Europe were brought by the Spanish Conquistadors from South America (Peru, specifically) in the early to mid-sixteenth century. The fruit was called “tomatl.”
The first written account of a tomato in Italy dates to 1548 and it was in Tuscany. In that account, the fruit, incorrectly aligned with the eggplant, was given the name “pomidoro,” or, if we break the word into its natural components, “pomi d’oro,” golden fruits. That has since shifted into the singular in Italian, “pomodoro (pl. pomodori)."
el autor aventurero es quien comparte este poema. Porque de sus aventuras ve la maravillosa naturaleza que conmovió su corazón