Essay formats
Writing these three different types of essays constitute completely different formats.
Once upon a time when I was a discussion with a colleague over what to eat I referred to things she said at an earlier time to help my case. By debating in class, I learned new things based on history and used that knowledge to further support my answer.
One thing should always be in your mind is your listening power. If you cant listen to your partner you can't learn.
The option that is not a part of speech is:
B. sentence
It is important to understand the parts of speech to be able to correctly determine how a word functions in a sentence, not just grammatically, but also in meaning. It is also important to keep in mind that the same word may function as more than just one part of speech, according to the context. There are eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. As we can see, option B. sentence is not included. As a matter of fact, a sentence is usually the result of the parts of speech being in use.