Vacina ( eu estou aprendendo sobre isso na minha aula, e acho que seria legal por que é uma coisa muito discutida atualmente)
Replication and protein synthesis process
When the virus enters the host cell it first process host genetic material starts its own replication of genetic material called replication. Then it also hijacked the protein synthesis process translation and form it's a protein which used in the capsid of the viral cell. The virus uses all the machinery of the host cell.
The biome that covers most of the central United States, from North
Dakota to Texas, is temperate grasslands. Temperate grassland is the
term used for a larger grouping of biomes that includes within it
tropical savannas. They are defined by a dominance of grasses, and have a
large temperature difference between different parts of the year.
The medulla oblagonta. Its main function is to send signals to the muscles that control respiration to cause breathing to occur.
There would be no seasons.