said a new government must form due to the king's actions
The Enlightment works were reflected in the American Independence, although through the most conservative lens. The Social Contract as theorized by Rousseau, was based on the notion that all rulers shall submit to the sovereign, the people. In the eyes of American elites, the colonial government had failed them, and by not giving them equal representation and imposing taxes, had violated the social contract.
Currently no one knows who fired the shot. Many theories were put out, but it is still a mystery.
There are several elements to this tradition. Freedom of speech, a democracy system where not just one person rule and makes decisions, and a jury system.
The Open Door policy—first initiated in 1899, with a follow-up missive in 1900—was significant in its attempt by the United States to establish an international protocol of equal privileges for all countries trading with China and to support China's territorial and administrative integrity.
Mecca and Jerusalem, since Muhammad was born in Mecca and he rose up to heaven in Jerusalem