a sentence usually missing one or more. of three components: subject,a predicate and. a complete though.
In general student loan debt cannot be erased by declaring bankruptcy, credit card and gambling debt on the other hand can be erased. This is mainly due to two reasons for starters, the money that is owed is technically owed to the government when dealing with student loan debt. Credit Card and gambling debt is owed to private institutions. The second reason is that there is a wide range of programs available to help repay student loans as opposed to credit card and gambling debt. Personally, this does seem unfair because certain debts like gambling are vices while college debt is done with the hopes of bettering your future and the world.
Answer: He predicts the animals are eventually going to take over the farm.
Animal Farm...?
Im an 8th Grader! I Read this in seventh grade last year- Great Book!
By protesting in a nonviolent way. He likens it to a thousand men not paying taxes, the most that would happen is them landing in jail, and blood shed is completly uncessary.
All seventh grade students, including those in the library, should come to the auditorium.