Water covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface!
Yes, You can indeedly right about it but it won't clarify as a fact, more of a state of opinion-
<span>its moving southwest</span>
A "transform fault" is a fault line where two tectonic plates slide against each-other. Not all faults are transform faults. Some plates separate and allow magma to seep up and like a scab, creating new ground (these are called divergent faults.) Other faults, such as convergentfaults, occur when two plates smush into each-other and one is forced below the other where it heats up and is eventually destroyed. And the fracture zone is thus the junction between oceanic crustal regions of different ages.
After looking at the picture you posted above, the name of the oldest New York State index fossil that can be found in the Early Ordovician bedrock is called Tetragraptus.