Answer: 3:12 pm (C.)
The 4 train from battery park to e 161st is 35 minutes. However, it takes a few minutes to walk from the 161st stop to the stadium, so you would need to budget in extra time (so 3:22 would be too late even though it gets in before 4:00 pm). The best train would be the 3:12 because it would get in at 3:47, giving you plenty of time to walk from the station to the stadium.
The relationship between the human foragers and the environment was much different than the one of the modern times. The foragers where directly dependent on the environment for their survival. They were not producing anything, so they were using the environment to get food and all the resources they needed. Nowadays, the relationship between the humans and the environment is much different, as most of the humans are directly dependent on the environment for the survival. This has led to have much less appreciation of it and very often even destroying it. The humans' relationship with the environment nowadays is much more recreational, scientific, or to use it for their further development.
For a marketing research study to have validity, it must actually measure what it sets out to measure.
When it comes to research, we need to make sure that the measures we are using are reliable and valid.
Reliability refers to consistency across time, items, and researchers. Validity refers to what degree the results of the research reflect what they are intended to reflect (if the research actually measures what it has set out to measure). There are three main types of validity:
- face validity - the extent to which the research actually measures what it's supposed to measure;
- content validity - the extent to which a measure represents all aspects of the researched phenomenon;
- criterion validity - whether the results of the research correlate with other variables they are expected to be correlated with and not correlated with variables they are not expected to be correlated with.
Learn more about the use of databases in research:
Conditioning creates the brain's pattern recognition which makes it easier or harder. Abusive conditioning makes recognizing kind/nonviolent much more difficult, etc.
The relationship between gender roles, identity and typing provide equal opportunity for an civilized environment to be established.
The societies impact on males and females draw a conclusion that suggests that we are in a forever state of movement. Society stance on gender role, identity and typing will forever be constantly changing.