It is called an analysis because you are “analyzing” the meaning of “Ring Around the Rosy.”
The use of scientific methods in ancient Greek philosophy helped to inculcate reason and explore the basic principles behind the origin of matter and materials.
The Milesian school was revolutionary as it liberated the heavenly phenomena or the organization of the world.
The school gave importance to questioning the occurrence of the phenomena observable around rather than attributing it to God’s will.
Three philosopher’s comprised the Milesian school of thought: Thales, who was the founder, Anaximander and Anaximenes.
Thales’ questioning approach towards the heavenly phenomena in order to comprehend its occurrence is thought to have initiated Greek Astronomy. He brought the dawn of western enlightenment. He gave any theories to explain natural events.
Agatha feels she has to run away to avoid marriage because she doesn't have a choice. She is not allowed to choose who she marries. This shows that in Ancient Greek culture marriages were arranged for the women. They were not given a choice to marry for love. Also, this shows that marriage is something that is expected once a person reaches a certain age.