1. You might want to lead with the name, which is might already clear out if it's a man or a woman. it might save you a few words.
Then you want to add a reference, maybe the novel or world that your favorite character is from, the ethnicity or race, geographic location or where the character lives now.
Then you might add what is the character's occupation. Maybe add the character's passion as well. Try to be concise.
In the end, you might want to list what you find interesting about the character. Achievements, hobbies and so on.
Here is a quick example:
<em>Legolas is an elven prince of the Wood Elves of northern Milkwood. He in first appears in The Lord of the Rings books and pairs with the Fellowship of the Ring to save the Middle Earth from a dark lord. He is also a great warrior, an amazing archer and a very good friend. Eventually, becomes the best friend of a dwarf named Gimli, even thought dwarves and elves hate each other.</em>
So they get views and get more money
Action because a verb is a doing word
I’m taking a guess but I would say, weak: off topic
Two symbols that are important in The Great Gatsby are the color green and a clock. Green is important as it represents money and Gatsby's hope. These two ideas are tied together because Gatsby believes that if he builds himself into a rich enough person, Daisy will take notice and come back to him. Green is also the color of the light at the end of Daisy's dock which acts as a symbol for her and the love Gatsby is holding out for her. At the end of the novel it says "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us." This quote shows that the light represents hope, but that that hope keeps getting further and further away instead of getting closer. In the same way money can be lost, so can the promise of the future you want. Green ties these ideas together to symbolize Gatsby's hope.
The clock on Nick's mantle also serves as an important symbol for time. Gatsby is trying to make up time when he meets Daisy again, and a reoccurring theme in the novel is that you can't repeat the past. When Gatsby and Daisy meet again for the first time in many years, Gatsby knocks Nick's clock off its mantle. This represents the time that he and Daisy have lost, and how it is going to slip away from them again. Later, Gatsby says "‘Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’" in response to Nick's telling him that it would be impossible to do just that. This falling clock shows how desperate Gatsby is to make up that time and how precarious trying to do that is.