In "The Lady of Shalott", death is presented as a sweet release. The lady dies while singing a mournful tune, floating in her boat on her way to Camelot. The note that she placed on her chest says that "The charm is broken utterly, Draw near and fear not". This shows death as something not frightening or ghastly, and she has found the way to break her curse which gives it a more positive connotation.
The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of several works of poetry written in the 1980s and 1990s that speak of an other-worldly place where pets go upon death, eventually to be reunited with their owners. Each has gained popularity around the world among animal lovers who have lost a pet or wild animals that are cared for.
The private sector can play a role in poverty alleviation by primarily offering jobs to people out of work ie by providing employment directly in the company or indirectly in associated industries that get business from the enterprise in question which may be supplier or a contractor for say the principal mining business.
Holden takes a cab to a Greenwich Village nightclub called Ernie's, a spot he used to frequent with D. B. His cab driver is named Horwitz, and Holden takes a liking to him. But when Holden tries to ask him about the ducks in the Central Park lagoon, Horwitz unexpectedly becomes angry.
This is from google.
Hope it helps :))
If she didn't have the phone or electronics, they would just wait until she came back in the office.