The correct answer to this open question is the following.
How was Europe after the Rain II political?
In that, his author, painter Max Ernst, expresses the emotional desolation, sadness, and dark mood after the war. Indeed, Max Ernst was influenced by politics during his time as an artist and that is how he hoped to influence politics, through his interesting work.
Max Ernst tried to depict the sadness left by the pain and destruction caused during Worl War II. For him, after the rain meant the rain of fire and explosions caused by powerful weapons used in the war front. IN the painting, Ernst tried to convey his political frustrations portraying the apocalyptical scenario of terror and oblivion.
1: Practice, be on time, and pay attention at rehearsals
2: Dynamics is the contrast in audio levels of a piece of music, from extremely soft to extremely loud. Dynamics are written with symbols like f, sfz, p, and pp.
3: Blues music can have a very unique rhythm. Blues music commonly uses rhythmic practices such as syncopation and swing.
1: Preparation is essential for an effective musical performance because it allows you to work on things that you are bad at so you do not embarrass yourself on stage.
2: Some ways to warm up are by playing full playthroughs of your music, playing etudes, playing scales, or playing parts of the music that you struggle with. If I could only choose one of these ways to warm up, I would choose to play parts of the music that I struggle with. I would choose this because it allows you to have time to work out the final kinks in the performance.
3: Identifying what type of music you like is the first step in becoming a dynamic performer because you usually play better and more expressively if you are playing music that you enjoy. You could find your sound by listening to a lot of music.
A straight line as other lines such as dashed, jagged, wiggly show rough surfaces or textures.
A judgment you are asked to make a personal decision about a works success or lack of success. you can also offer good reasons to support your judgment.