D) must be answered by all societies since they are unavoidable.
Capitalist societies as well as Socialist societies has these three fundamental questions because these three questions are unavoidable and very necessary for the production of goods. If they did not know which product and in what quantity it is produced so they make a great loss. If they produced in large quantity than necessity so they get a great loss while if they produced the product in low amount so there is scarcity of that product in the market. So these question are very important to every society.
The UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and The UNITED STATES DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE are the two documents that were constructed in Philadelphia. These documents also denotes the spirit of the city.
There is a building in Philadelphia named the Independence Hall. It is where the debates and adoption of the two documents happened. This building is now part of a heritage site in Philadelphia.
I would say its because no one really decided to change anything. No one during the old ages really knew how to do anything and only used what they had and what was closest to them.
The Great Wall is a fortificated East-to-West line which historically has delimited the Chinese Northern border. Its primary purpouse was to defend the Chinese territory against the invasions and quick raids organized by the nomadic people from the Eurasian Steppe lands, located more to the North.
But rather than as a fixed border, it should be regarded as a transition zone which establishes a distinction between two different lifestyles, even nowadays: the farmer regions in the South with sedentary ways of life and the pasture lands in the North, where its inhabitants have nomadic lifestyles and work mainly in animal husbandry activities.
D he did indeed preform poorly