It was a way for them to get jobs. If a former slave was educated, it could mean a new beginning for them. On the other hand if a slave was uneducated, they would not have enough money for stable living requierments. So it was very important to be educated because you could start a new life.
Gross national happiness is a proportion of financial and good progress that the King of Bhutan presented during the 1970s as a choice to total national output. Instead of concentrating carefully on quantitative monetary measures, net domestic bliss considers an advancing blend of personal satisfaction factors
Gross domestic happiness bliss is abused. It covers issues with debasement and low expectations for everyday life in the entire nation, as indicated by the nation's new head administrator.
And countries as everybody knows
No, because by taking children away from their families, it destroyed traditional cultures, and aboriginal society.
cause is actually a miniature spaceship shaped like a human body that protects the astronaut