It is sometimes easier to understand a situation if it is shown to you in a very simple way. The cartton makes you focus on a speific aspect, and you don't get disctracted by other things. Or it's just more entertaining.
~Good day!
A severe water crisis looms over India. ... A shortage of water will not only deprive millions of their means of earning a living but also it will result in severe foodgrain shortages, which would in turn trigger spikes in food prices, and also deepen India's problems of hunger and malnutrition.
i think the answer may be, B
The economy in the United States in the 1920's varied greatly from European countries. After WWl, Europe struggled to rebuild. Europe had taken the brunt of the attacks and went into a deep depression. The United States in contrast boomed. The economy was better than ever before. Since no attacks had happened on American soil, we were able to mass produce consumer goods, etc. People were buying on credit, investing in the stock market, and moving to the city. Life was good in America; not so good in Europe.