Paraguay is not part of the las pampas region.
Los monosilabos son palabras que estan compuestas por una sola sílaba en este caso las oraciones son las siguientes:
Escuche que reías con TU amigo.
En éste caso el monosíolabo "TU" hace la función de un adjetivo posesivo.
Pídele que te dé un trozo de pastel.
En éste caso el monosilabo hace la función de un verbo auxiliar, "te dé" es referente a el verbo dar.
Si llegas tarde, no conseguirás asiento.
En éste caso el "si" hace la función de un condicional.
Me gusta el café más que el té.
En este caso "más" hace referencia a un adverbio de comparación.
1) What size family does Jen have?
She Has a big family. She has three brothers and two sisters.
2) Does she have any pets?
Yes, she has a dog named Sancho.
3) How big is her room?
Her room is not too big and not too small.
4) Is she a music lover?
5) What other interests does she have?
She likes to read.
6) How big is her bed?
Her bed is big.
7) Does she mind a room without windows?
She has a big window in her room.
8) Does she know how to use a computer?
Yes she knows how to use a computer.
You would be wise to highlight how much money they would lose if they didn't insulate.
Sherif and Nebarga's social judgment theory states that people's attitudes or positions on an insue depend on three aspects: anchor, alternatives and ego-involvement.
If you highlight how much money would they lose if they didn't insulate, you will be acting over anchor social judgment.
Their anchor is their preferred position on the issue, this is, the actual state of their homes without being insulated. If you highlight how much money they would lose if they didn't insulate, you're pointing out how their anchor would be affected if they didn't consider your offer to insulate their homes.
“Hacer algo varias veces” is number 3
“Un condimento que no es muy dulce” is number 4
“Se usa para limpiar la boca” is number 1
And “la persona que sirve la comida en un restaurante” is number 2
Hope that helps!