The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. As you go east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases to 180 degrees. As you go west from the prime meridian longitude increases to 180 degrees.
They began to form by a combination of volcanic activity and the deposit of marine sediments. It formed along northwest Africa about 530 million years ago. ... As the Appalachian Mountains eroded, sand and clay were deposited over Florida's limestone layer.
defination;global warming is a slow and and steadt rise in earths surface occurs when carbon dioxide and green house gases collect in the atmosphere and collect warming started happening many years ago by burning fossil fuels and coal,gas just to run factories. today there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.sea levals hv also been rising up. to reduce global warming, we need to reduce the green house gases in the atmosphere. we also need to stop burning bushes,dry leaves. this will reduce global warming much better.
The Sun
The sun does not move or rotate and hence cannot retrograde, however the other planets rotate. Some astronomers define retrograde motion as the Westward movement of the planets relative to the sun, based on this definition, all the planets experience retrograde movement. On the other hand, while some astronomers define retrograde motion as the movement that the other planets make when earth passes them while orbiting the sun. Based on this second classification, Mercury and Venus do not retrograde relative to the earth because they move faster than the earth.