Proper Noun: She got her shirt from Walmart. Pronoun: When my friends got the news, they called me. Adjective: The shirt she bought was purple with pink dots.
When the world was young, they say, a giant lived in the cliffs above Canon de Chelly.
The food he lived on was human beings, and he caught the clouds and squeezed them
<span>into his mouth for drink. The people called him Swallower of clouds, and the bravest </span>
<span>of the men tried to destroy him. How ever, anyone who went out to kill the giant </span>
was never seen again. Before long, because he was swallowing all the clouds, the rain
no longer came from the west. Because he was shallowing all the clouds, the mist
<span>above the mountains to the east disappeared. Because he was swallowing all the </span>
<span>clouds, the springs to the south dried up. The crops dried up and died. The people </span>
<span>were suffering and some began to die.</span>
It reveals a surprising twist at the end of the narrative.
Because of Odysseus's clever thinking, Polyphemus shouts out that "Noman" has been trying to kill him. This leaves Polyphemus blind. This allows Odysseus and his men to escape because of Odysseus's different thinking skills.