An object with the largest size will have a large gravitational force acting on it. Explanation
The gravitation force increases with increase in size of an object. An object that has twice as much mass will exert two times as much gravitational pull on other objects. An object with greater mass attracts the earth more strongly that the other one with smaller mass. On the earth’s space, the more massive objects will exert stronger gravitational forces.
Best wishes!
reciprocal exchange of dna
If I remember that abiotic means not living then rocks, soil, air.
<span><span><span>Release enzymes outside of the cell (exocytosis)</span>
which may serve the purpose of destroying materials around the cell.</span><span><span>Break-down 'digestion' of materials from inside the cell (autophagy)</span>
i.e. by fusing with vacuoles from inside the cell.
This could include digesting worn-out organelles so that useful chemicals locked-up in their structures can be re-used by the cell.</span><span><span>Break-down 'digestion' of materials from outside the cell (heterophagy)</span>
i.e. by fusing with vacuoles from outside the cell.
This could include breaking-down material taken-in by phagocytes, which include many types of white blood cells - also known as leucocytes. Specific mechanisms of heterophagy can be:<span><span>phagocytic - by which cells engulf extracellular debris, bacteria or other particles - only occurs in certain specialized cells</span><span>pinocytic - by which cells engulf extracellular fluid</span><span>endocytic - by which cells take-up particles such as molecules that have become attached to the outer-surface of the cell membrane.</span></span></span><span><span>Recycle the products of biochemical reactions that have taken place following materials being brought into the cell by endocytosis (general term for this 'recycling' function: biosynthesis) </span>
Different materials (chemicals) are processed in different ways, e.g. some structures may be processed/degraded within lysosomes and others are taken to the surface of the cell.</span><span>Completely break-down cells that have died (autolysis)</span></span>
In general, the functions of lysosomes involve breaking-down i.e. processing to 'make safe' or make use of, or removing from the cell e.g. by exocytosis, useless and potentially harmful materials such as old worn-out parts of the cell or potential threats such bacteria. Lysosomes can therefore be thought of as the rubbish disposal units within cel
This is one example of a chimp DNA diagram
A is Adenin
G is Guanine
C is Citosin
T is Thymine
Adenine is an organic molecule found in DNA, ribonucleic acid (known as RNA) and adenosine triphosphate, better known as ATP.
Guanine is a purine base found in DNA and RNA that binds exclusively with cytosine to form ribonucleosides called guanosine or deoxyribose to form deoxyguanosine.
Thymine is a pyrimidine base found in DNA that binds to adenine.
Cytosine is a pyramid-shaped nitrogenous base that binds to guanine in RNA and DNA as nucleotides and functions as part of the genetic code.