<span>b. Masters were allowed to kill their own slaves, if they had a reason for doing so.
a. They were considered unwelcome
You can't understand this grievance without the next word. It is a very famous part of the declaration. The next word is violence.
Now read your quotation.
He has excited domestic violence ... Jefferson meant that George has done nothing good as far as America is concerned.
In other words, he has made Americans (who at the time were British Subjects) enemies the inhabitants of those already there on the frontiers.
excited means make people act.
domestic means those living in America or the citizens of any country. Domestic is an adjective describing the kind of violence that flooded the country. It means setting one citizen against another citizen (in this case).
This grievance goes on to state that George has encouraged North American Indians to follow their traditions of mercilessly killing every citizen regardless of state, gender or age.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Es verdadero.
La población en Latinoamérica es desigual y se concentra, fundamentalmente, en los márgenes del continente.
La población en nuestros países latinoamericanos es muy desigual. Las grandes capitales son modernas, pero llenas de contrastes. Se puede apreciar lujosas zonas residenciales a 10 minutos de barrios pobres. Zonas de modernos edificios financieros, corporativos y hoteles de lujo, pero con muchas zonas marginadas que tienen deficiencias en los servicios básicos como agua, transporte o luz.
Los países Latinoamericanos han sido víctimas de gobiernos corruptos que han saqueado a los pobladores y los han oprimido.
La desigualdad es notoria. Una pequeña porción de clase alta controla el 80% de la riqueza de un país. Mientras que la mayoría de pobladores se anda peleando por el 20% restante.
Food Aboard Ships Was Dry and Often Filled With Maggots
Staples included dried and salted anchovies and cod, pickled or salted beef and pork, dried grains like chickpeas, lentils and beans, and, of course, hardtack biscuits