As, Because, Since, and Where.
I hope this helps!
It is important to have borders between people to ensure that people get along.
In the poem "Mending Wall", Robert Frost presents the picture of the wall and the neighbors. The word 'wall' has been metaphorically used to highlight the division that humans have built around their spaces. The poet does not support building any sort of wall between his and his neighbor's land. He wants to demolish the division. It is the neighbor who says the line "Good fences make good neighbors." Through this line, the neighbor had highlighted the importance of having a division on good terms. The healthy relationship between the two neighbors helps to keep the environment and the relations in positive terms.
i have been out of work because i had bathroom issues. i sometimes sit on the toilet and can't get off it for some reason, thus making me miss work. it takes hours upon hours until i finally can depart from the toilet. i'm sorry about my bad bathroom dwelling habits. i'm sorry for missing work so much because of it. i'll try to move my bathroom time to 12:00 AM so i can keep my job.
The statement given here is an example of : Paradox.
Paradox is when seemingly incomprehensible and diametrically opposite things are said together in tandem in a sentence to draw out a conflicting meaning out of it.
This is a clear example of paradox as in the given sentence we can see that there are two conflicts that are irreconcilable in any way.
The person who loses his life cannot find it because finding and losing one's life seems diametrically opposite yet the sentence does make sense in the sense of the rhetoric.