<em>Civic</em> duties include paying national, <em>state</em>, and local taxes which can include specific taxes such as <em>income</em>, sales and property.
Duties are responsibilities that are established in the face of established compliance. It is the obligation of one subject against another, being this individual, legal entity or even the State. These are attitudes that all citizens must comply with, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or living conditions. <em>Duties also include the payment of national, state and local taxes that include specific taxes such as income, sales and property taxes.</em>
These words were captured from the writing "The Rhythm of Life" and it was written by Matthew Kelly. What was being highlighted is that person standard can be affected and defined by the people who surrounds them. People cannot be completed and fulfilled of being alone.
It would be A. Punic Wars
The purpose of any program is to provide its listeners with good information regarding some topic which has relevance to the listener. Whether this is something political or something scientific totally depends on the programs we're talking about. It also depends on the format in which it will be told.