Tom conscientiously did his homework ,but was surprised when the best student asked to beseech it.
Holden thinks that the woman who cried through the movie was a phony because she was with her child who needed tending, and the woman ignored the needs of the child. Throughout the movie, the child complained about needing to use the bathroom, and the woman would not be bothered to take the child, admonishing the child to wait. I think Holden felt as though this woman couldn't possibly be a person who felt deeply, considering she was blatantly ignoring her child's needs and putting her own first. Holden found her behavior shallow and uncaring, which made the fact that she was crying throughout the movie a phony thing to do.
C) The American doughnut shape was a solution to the soggy middle of fried cakes.
The American doughnut shape was a solution to the soggy middle of fried cakes, contains the main idea of paragraph three. To summarize is to take a larger amount of information and make it smaller while still keeping the important information intact. In this case, going from a paragraph to a sentence is the way the information in summarized.
ok here this is gonna be about the human eye
The human eye is a paired sense organ that reacts to light and allows vision. Rod and cone cells in the retina are photoreceptive cells that are able to detect visible light and convey this information to the brain. Eyes signal information which is used by the brain to elicit the perception of color, shape depth, movement, and other features.
(60 words)
I would say B.
A cause and effect essay for science class would take the longest, especially since it is a grade.