Jung Bahadur
He established the powerful Rana dynasty of hereditary prime ministers. This office remained in his family until 1951
It is to deliver appropriately qualified civilian men for the induction into the Armed Forces of the US as authorized by Congress.
Type 1 incident
An incident usually considered as a 'type 1' if it possess huge threats for the lives of many people and could create a huge cost for the government in terms of property damage (Example of this would be huge wild fire, hurricane , massive flood, etc)
To handle type 1 incident, Government tend to utilize a groups of federally certified teams to handle the operation. (with much more training experience compared to local team). These federally certified teams will have access to large number of national resources with all Command and General Staff positions are activated,
the distance from the ocean is a major factor that contributes in variation of temperature.
elevation of the city is another major factor resulting in variation of climate.