Answer: These are the correct answers:
1. por
2. por
3. para
4. para
5. para
6. por
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can also be added that in this exercise they are asking you to choose the most appropriate preposition. "Por" can be translated as by, among other meanings, and "para" can be translated as for, among other meanings as well. So, for instance, in sentence 6, the speaker is saying: "My cousin was raised BY my parents." And in sentence 3, the speaker is saying "I bought some flowers FOR Ana."
1. Mañana hay un examen y yo tengo
que estudiar
2. Tere y Amalia van
al estadio para practicar el tenis.
3. Iván y yo vamos
a clase para aprender.
4. Los profesores tienen
razón; la educación es muy importante.
5. No desees descansar porque no tienes sueño.
6. Usted viene al mediodía, ¿no?