Because willow tree/wood does not bend and neither does the Constitution.
Who first discovered and dug up the mass grave
Number 4 is actually They realized the policy of appeasement failed
Number 5 is actually They allowed Hitler to gain power and only delayed world war
Number 6 is actually Winston Churchill
Number 9 is actually Germany was permitted annexation of the Sudetenland
Number 10 is actually Austria
Number 12 is actually He gave Germany a chance to experiment with new weapons
I hope this hopes!
t was the first time people saw footage of combat in their homes, not only combat but more importantly the casualties resulting from it. Seeing American dead and wounded was a real shock, in prior wars such images were rarely released to the public.As reports from the field became increasingly accessible to citizens, public opinion began to turn against U.S. involvement, though many Americans continued to support it. Others felt betrayed by their government for not being truthful about the war. This led to an increase in public pressure to end the war.