The concept of nullification is a "legal theory that a state has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional with respect to the United States Constitution (as opposed to the state's own constitution)."
A consul held the highest elected political office of the Roman Republic (509 to 27 BC), and .... During times of war, the primary qualification for consul was military skill and ... to the 3rd century, the people were still called on to ratify the Senate's selections. .... The consuls also served as the chief diplomat of the Roman state.
By the early 1700s, the fur trade was firmly established in the Great Lakes region. The French empire was based on the fur trade in this region and required Native American alliances to sustain it. Native people and the French traded, lived together, and often married each other and built families together.
It introduced the concept of individual rights