The answer is Yucatàn Peninsula
Geologists have recently determined that the minerals goethite and hematite exist in abundance on Mars, sure signs of the presence of water (see Figure 1 for a picture). None of those geologists have been to Mars, of course, but the unmanned rovers Spirit and Opportunity have. These rovers are equipped with three mass spectrometers, each of which is capable of determining the chemical composition of a solid with a high degree of accuracy. With such a precise chemical analysis in hand, geologists on Earth had no problem identifying the minerals.
A mineral is defined in part by a specific chemical composition. In theory, therefore, it is always easy to identify a mineral, if you can determine the chemical composition with a mass spectrometer like the Mars rovers. In reality, however, even if you are looking at rocks on Earth, determining the exact chemical composition of a substance involves significant time preparing the sample and sophisticated laboratory equipment (and often significant money). Luckily, it is usually unnecessary to go to such lengths, because there are much easier ways that require little more than a magnifying lens and a penknife.
A. map
A map is a projection that is used to represent real life phenomenon on a two dimensional surface.
A project of the Gulf of Mexico showing currents and water depth would be a map.
Maps are very good descriptive resources for delineating surface and even subsurface features.
Weather maps usually cover current patterns in the world.
Water depth in places can also be presented using water depth maps too.
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Physical maps
2.89 Million People
Most of Argentina is mountainous (The Western side), which has extreme cold temperatures which makes it a popular skiing destination for tourists, it also happens to be not as populated. However, what makes Buenos Aires so different is that it's along the ocean, which makes it a much more livable and sustainable climate, it also gets a large economic boost because it has a large docking and trade system located there.
Examples of this would be other lightly populated rough climate countries such as Mongolia, which has only a population of 3 million despite it's large land borders.