I would paraphrase it being that it is one of the given options.
After Grendel's fight with Beowulf, in which Beowulf tears off Grendel's arm, ... In other words, the mother's attack on Heorot should be an expected consequence of Grendel's death. Had the Geats known Grendel's mother was nearby, they would have taken steps to protect themselves by killing her before they celebrated.
There are no line breaks, since this is a prose poem
Literally Prose poem does not have line breaks. But while reading this kind of prose poem, the reader themselves will take a break not because of the punctuation but because of the breaks in the theme. In the poem Adolescence, the author draws a parallel between birds and human adolescence.
Here the nature of a caged bird is compared to the nature of the society as a child is trapped into an invisible cage called society. Hence while reading this poem, the reader takes a break while reflecting the fact but not of the punctuation. That is how Nin Andrews used enjambment and line length in his prose poem.
Conversation between two strangers about the pollution in the cities of Nepal.
Stranger 1: <em>(Reading the newspaper)</em> It is sad to see that even a city like Kathmandu is polluted.
Stranger 2: Pollution in Kathmandu?
Stranger 1: Yes, brother, see the headlines in today's newspaper says that pollution level is increasing in cities in Nepal, and Kathmandu is one of them.
Stranger 2: That's really sad! Kathmandu once used to be known as a 'City of glory' but now it is overly populated. With increase in population, there is increase in usage of vehicles over the decades also. It is due to overly use of vehicles that must have led to such a city to higher pollution levels.
Stranger 1: Yes! This is really affecting the air quality not only of the city but of the globe on broader level. I just hope that the government of Nepal will do something to combat this problem, as many countries are trying to combat the global warming problem.
Stranger 2: Yes! Hope so!