B: Speech that expressed protest or promoted violence was increasingly protected. (APEX)
2017 is when it started bruh
India had ceased importing opium
During the age of imperialism, Britain used opium to forcefully open china to trade.
Factory owners used child labour because, quite simply, it was cheaper. Children worked for less than adults, and their parents were often happy to send them off to work, as the lower classes did not value education. Many men lost work when machines were introduced, as machines could do more work in less time, so if the children had the opportunity to work and earn money, they did.
I really did try I take grade 10 poetry
Tuesday September 11th
Something struck very unpleasant
People died, so many cried
Saying it’s not a tragedy, you must’ve lied
As the Towers were falling to the ground
A sense of happiness will never be found
People ran some fell on there knees
As they watched in the hot breeze.
Mother lost daughters fathers lost there sons
No going back in time what’s done is done
From this day forward we look at this day
What happened will never ever be okay