When odysseus first wakes up in ithaca, he thinks that the phaecians fooled him, placed him on the wrong island, and stole some of his treasure. he curses them because of this. odysseus believed he was placed on the wrong island because athena made ithaca look different so he wouldn't recognize it.
Although Hamlet has many positive traits, including intelligence and a strong sense of right and wrong, his indecision takes center stage as his most prominent and, ultimately fatal flaw displays the most effective use of the italicized transition word.
A. Although Hamlet has many positive traits, including intelligence and a strong sense of right and wrong, his indecision takes center stage as his most prominent and, ultimately fatal, flaw.
The major tragic flaw of the play Hamlet is protagonist's procastination. It was not his inability or Queen Gertrude or Ophellia but Hamlet's own thought to move his work because of the timing and situation but infact his own moral values and lack of strong revenge. For Hamlet, the unfortunate blemish isn't a character defect, for example, an excess of pride, aspiration, or desire. Rather, it is the choice he makes to act as per the apparition's solicitation and murder Claudius.
Answer: D. The artist values the same characteristics that the hero exhibits.
When an artist describes a hero in a work of art, he is likely to present him as someone who possesses the qualities that the artist admires. This is because a hero is supposed to personify everything that is desirable and admirable in a person. Therefore, by studying his portrayal of heroes, we can discover the values and qualities that the artist finds important.