The speeches that Brutus and Mark Antony deliver differ in several ways. However, one of the most important differences they exhibit is the way in which each speaker addresses the audience.
In the case of Brutus, he decides to appeal to his audience's minds. He speaks in a somewhat impersonal way that suggests that he does not understand the audience deeply. Moreover, his description of the motives of the plot is dry, and it underestimates the connection that the audience felt to Julius Caesar.
On the other hand, Mark Antony seems to understand the crowd better. He uses emotional words that create a more personal relationship. He also focuses on the importance that Julius Caesar had for the audience. This creates a more successful and dramatic speech.
The impoverished that live down the street from me always make me realize how lucky my life is, even though my single parent doesn't make a lot of money.
It was later unearthed that John committed the crime; his fingerprints were found on the trigger of the gun
Mccain's essay was very exaggerating to me and managed to extend my concept of patriotism, thus leaving the concept more complete and efficient. Before reading the essay, I believed that patriotism is related exclusively to the feeling of love for the country, within that feeling it was not correct to criticize and not support certain elements, but just to love the country unconditionally. MacCain's essay showed me that criticism of the country is part of patriotism, because it is through criticism that we recognize the defects that our society has and that need to be changed. This is able to motivate us to fight for a better country. Striving for improvement represents love for the country and that represents patrotism.
His son and his son's wife were disgusted at this, so the old grandfather at last had to sit in the corner behind the stove, and they gave him his food in an earthenware bowl, and not even enough of it. And he used to look towards the table with his eyes full of tears. Once, too, his trembling hands could not hold the bowl, and it fell to the ground and broke. The young wife scolded him, but he said nothing and only sighed. Then they brought him a wooden bowl for a few half-pence, out of which he had to eat.
War was a constant in Anglo-Saxon society, and women were not considered fit to be warriors. They had to be content with the roles that kept them within the confines of the household. The prime duty of the Anglo-Saxon woman was to be loyal and obedient to her husband. As the mistress of the Hall, she presided over mealtimes and had to hand out the drinks at the mead hall. The Anglo-Saxon woman was also the “peace-weaver.” In this role, the woman was married to a man from an enemy camp in the hope of ending bitterness and war between the two tribes. This intention often failed, resulting in the loss of lives on both sides.
Medieval society also saw much warfare and destruction, but changes in the social structure brought changes in the roles of women. In the feudal society, women did not wield any power. Their roles were limited to home and hearth. Spinning flax, weaving, brewing ale, and tending to poultry and the farm were the jobs of the women. Some women ran small businesses from home or assisted their husbands in their trades. Peasant women worked on the fields with their husbands and did everything apart from ploughing. Only women from the upper class had access to education. Sometimes women joined convents and nunneries where they could gain education.
The rising importance of biblical texts in the early medieval period had a negative effect on women as they were considered instruments of evil. Sometimes women seeking emancipation were ostracized or labeled as witches and burned at the stake. The influence of ideas of chivalry and courtly love, originating from France, helped give women a symbolically elevated status in society. In medieval romances, the lady is worshipped by the Knight, who is ready to do anything at her bidding. This was akin to the adoration of Mary, the mother of Christ.